JPR News


Are you interested in the latest political news or want to know more about a political party? Then you have come to the right place to find everything on national and international politics.


Australia & New Zealand

Austalian Politics
Labour NZ
Pirate Party
Political Parties NZ
Sydney Morning

UK & Ireland

Parliament UK
Conservative Party UK
Irish Democratic Party
Labour UK
Scottish National Party
Sinn Féin

USA & Canada

Democrats USA
DemocratsElections Canada
Parliament Canada
Political Parties USA
Politicus USA
Republican Party

Politics Australia & New Zealand

At JPR News you can visit the websites of the various parties within Australia and New Zealand. But you can also visit the websites of the Australian Greens, the Family First Party, the Labour Party New Zealand or Liberal Democratic Party and compare them, and find out which party is closest to your mind state.

Politics UK & Ireland

For the latest news from the Conservative Party, Irish Democratic Party, Labour, Scottish National Party, Sinn Féin or another party, you can visit the Web sites listed above. For the latest news from London and Dublin, you can visit the online news site The Telegraph or the Irish Independent.

Politics Canada

For the latest news from the Conservative Party, Democratic Party, and other political parties in Canada or, want to know more about a Politician, please visit the respective websites above! For the latest political news from Ottawa and Washington, you can visit the online news site CNN or the Huffington Post.

World Politics
World Politics

World politics today is what it has always been: a game for power and influence, where states compete with each other, sometimes through war, and sometimes together. Where states rise to great powers and subsequently lose that power. Other factors like public opinion, large companies, or a terrorist group, can occasionally disrupt the status of power, but it is the states that have the final say.
But it’s not just about power. Brute force raises inevitable resistance. An international order presupposes a significant degree of voluntary consent. That international order thus consists of two inseparable elements: power and values.

Check the page News for the latest news from Beijing, Jerusalem, Moscow, Paris or any other place on earth. For international politics, you can also visit the websites from Al Jazeera, Der Spiegel, El País, and Pravda. And check out the Reuters feed below for the latest political headlines!

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