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Artists – Get the latest gossip about your favorite or most hated artist, photographer, journalist, artist, presenter, writer, author, athlete, sports star, singer and songwriter and much more!

Movie – Are you looking for the latest movie news and gossip about movie stars? Visit the above mentioned websites where you can find all the movie news (incl. Premieres). Visit our Cheap Movies page if you want to order the latest movies on Blu-ray or DVD.

Royals – For the latest news about the king, queen, princes and princesses, visit the above mentioned websites. You can also follow the news about other royal families worldwide (incl. Saudi Arabia and Spain), state visits, principalities (such as Liechtenstein and Monaco) and sultanates (incl. Brunei and Oman).

Musicals – Are you a big fan of musicals and want to get all the latest news about the running, and upcoming musicals and musical stars? Feel free to visit the above mentioned websites. 

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